Energi och Fastigheter i Alingsås AB Company Profile


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Board members are to devote the time and attention to Investor that their assignment demands. Pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Board of Directors has resolved that the record date for the share split shall be November 11, 2020. The split of the company’s shares will be handled by Euroclear Sweden AB and the shareholders do not need to take any action in connection with the share split. Education: International BSc in Economics and Business Administration from the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Experience: Among previous positions can be mentioned CEO and member of the Board of Directors of Securitas AB, CEO of NCC AB, CEO of Svedala Industri AB. Holdings in Sweco: 1000 shares.

Sweco ab board of directors

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Born in 1966. Board Chairman. · Gunnel. Duveblad. Born in 1955. Member of the Board since 2008.

HiQ International AB är ett svenskt publikt aktiebolag med säte i Stockholm, Sverige.

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The annual general meeting in Sweco AB on April 22, 2021 passed resolutions in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the Nomination  We have reviewed the merger plan dated 30 June 2015, including the Board reports The Boards of Directors of SWECO AB (publ) and Grontmij N.V. are  Styrelsen och verkställande direktören för SWECO AB (publ) avger här- dards (IFRS) utgivna av International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) samt Managing Director Europe & Middle East URS Corporation. The Board of Directors and the President of NCC AB (publ), corporate identity number to 48 percent (48) of the voting rights in NCC AB, thus making NCC an associated AxFast and Board Member of Sweco,. Attendo  Sweco strävar efter att ge såväl aktieägare som analytiker, investerare, media och andra som är intresserade av bolaget snabb, tydlig, konsekvent och samtidig  Bolagsstämman är Swecos högsta beslutande organ där samtliga aktieägare har rätt att besluta i Sweco AB:s angelägenheter.

Sweco ab board of directors

Sweco B SWEC B aktie Insynshandel - Börskollen

Another The rotating chairman leads the Board of Directors and its Executive  av K Söderholm · 2012 · Citerat av 3 — VFA, Handlingar 1898-1908, SWECO archive, Stockholm). Its board of directors comprised of representatives from public E:son Romås and S. Holmström, Allmänna ingeniörsbyrån AB (Råneå kommun, Kommunalnämnden, Tekniska. Board of Directors · Careers Ledande befattningshavare i Switchcore AB (publ) 1999-2005.

Current appointments. Chairman of the Board: Amasten Fastighets AB. Vice Chairman of the Board: Indutrade AB and Pandox AB. Director: AB Industrivärden. Pursuant to the Articles of Association, the Board should consist of no less than three and no more than eleven directors and no more than four deputies. The AGM decides the exact number. The Board is assisted by a secretary, who is not a member of the Board. Board members are to devote the time and attention to Investor that their assignment demands.
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Sweco ab board of directors

In his new role as Business Area President for Sweco UK, Max will help shape and deliver Sweco’s overall group strategy while remaining responsible for day-to-day operations in the UK. The Extraordinary General Meeting in Sweco AB on October 22, 2020, passed the following resolutions.

Bengt Kjell. Born 1954.
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Annual General Meeting of Rejlers AB - Postal voting procedure only The Board of Directors of at Rejlers AB, Senior Executive Officer at Sweco AB President & Chief  In accordance with Sweco’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is comprised of at least three and not more than nine members. Composition of the Board The Board consists of seven ordinary members elected by the AGM and three employee representatives, with three union-appointed deputies, appointed by the employees. The annual general meeting in Sweco AB on April 22, 2021 passed resolutions in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee as set out below. Due to Covid-19, the annual general meeting was held without physical presence of shareholders and participation was carried out through so called postal voting. The annual general meeting in Sweco AB on April 22, 2021 passed resolutions in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee as set out below.

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Chairman of the board of Alimak Group AB and board member of Sweco AB Previous leading positions: President and CEO of AB Fagerhult and Lammhults Design Group AB. Further to the uncertainty caused by Covid-19, it was decided at Sweco’s AGM on April 23, 2020, to adjust the dividend to SEK 3.10 per share, this to be compared with the Board of Director’s original proposal of a dividend of SEK 6.20 per share. Johan Nordström, Sweco’s Board Chairman, +46 70 940 70 82.

The Board of Directors have at the statutory board meeting, as authorised by the annual general meeting, resolved on acquisition of Sweco Class B shares to deliver under the Share Bonus Scheme 2021, the Share Savings Scheme 2021, to cover thereto related costs for social security contributions, and to enable Sweco to use treasury shares as consideration in, or otherwise finance, potential The Board of Directors have at the statutory board meeting, as authorised by the annual general meeting, resolved on acquisition of Sweco Class B shares to deliver under the Share Bonus Scheme 2021, the Share Savings Scheme 2021, to cover thereto related costs for social security contributions, and to enable Sweco to use treasury shares as consideration in, or otherwise finance, potential The Annual General Meeting in Sweco AB on April 23, 2020 passed resolutions on the following: The annual general meeting resolved, as proposed by the nomination committee, that the Board of Directors shall be comprised of seven Directors elected by the general meeting and that no Deputy Directors shall be appointed. Sweco AB hereby invite to annual general meeting on Thursday April 22, 2021. Due to Covid-19, the Board of Directors has decided that the annual general meeting will be held without the physical presence of shareholders, representatives or third parties and that the shareholders only will be able to exercise their voting rights in advance through so called postal voting, before the general meeting. Max Joy, the managing director of engineering, environment and design consultancy Sweco UK, has been appointed to the company’s international group executive board.