EUs Hälsoprogram, EU4Health, 2021–2027
Nya bilar har svårt att nå EU:s utsläppsmål för 2021
The 'European Union in International Affairs' (EUIA) Conference provides a major forum for academics and policy-makers to debate the role of the EU in 37th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis News: ECTRIMS 2021 Congress will be a fully digital experience RAPS Euro Convergence is an annual programme created by European regulatory professionals for regulatory professionals operating in Europe and other Our 2021 General Conference will be held as a fully virtual event from 30 and nurture the development of political science across Europe; delivering an UEG Week Virtual 2021 arrives October 3 – 5 with its programme is featured across many virtual lecture halls and in our Vienna-based TV Studio. Each location World Vaccine Congress Europe 2021 Now in its 22nd year the World Vaccine Congress Europe and co-located events, Veterinary Vaccine and The 13th European Space Conference will take place on 12 & 13 January 2021. This year's theme will be: Space Embracing a Changing World: Green, Digital, XXIX FIDE Congress, 12 - 15 May 2021, the Netherlands. At FIDE the world of European law unites to discuss the state of EU law on both European and Home » Events » Transatlantic Week 2021 prospects for 'Global leadership: A transatlantic opportunity' at the annual AmCham EU Transatlantic Conference.
EU:s långtidsbudget för 2021–2027 består av 1074 miljarder euro i åtaganden. Återhämtningspaketet är fördelat på 390 miljarder euro i bidrag och 360 miljarder euro i lån. Se hela listan på The European Commission will start committing the funds under the next Multiannual Financial Framework (the EU long-term budget) as of 1 January 2021, following the adoption of the relevant sector-specific rules as well as of the annual budget for 2021 by the European Parliament and the Council. EU har inte alltid varit så stort som det är idag. När det europeiska ekonomiska samarbetet inleddes 1951 var det bara Belgien, Frankrike, Italien, Luxemburg, Nederländerna och Tyskland som var med. Men med tiden har allt fler länder bestämt sig för att gå med.
Storbritannien lämnade EU den 31 januari 2020. Nytt avtal mellan EU och Storbritannien år 2021.
EU: 2021 blir ett europeiskt järnvägsår
Hur ser egentligen EU:s skogskartor ut, givet vinterns förnyade diskussioner om skogsbruk och EU. Sverige har varit motståndare till att EU skall utöka sitt Portugals ordförandeskap i Europeiska unionens råd: 1 januari–30 juni 2021. Prioriteringarna för det portugisiska ordförandeskapet styrs av mottot ”Nu ska vi uppnå en rättvis, grön och digital återhämtning”.
Erasmus+ och de övriga EU-programmen inleds 2021
On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the EuroNanoForum 2021 international online conference, to be held May 5 th-6 th, 2021.. The EuroNanoForum 2021 conference will address the role of nano-enabled technologies and industries in the transformation towards EU prosperity. The event will bring forward the role of R&I, as well as the opportunities offered by EU DataViz 2021 addresses the needs of the EU’s public sector engaged in open data and data visualisation.It provides a platform to explore the latest trends in open data and data visualisation – a crucial tool to explore and explain complex information in a meaningful way. Highlights, press releases and speeches The EU Action Plan toward a Zero Pollution Ambition is a key action of the European Green Deal scheduled for spring 2021. It will help to create a toxic-free environment across the EU by better monitoring and, reporting, and by preventing and remedying pollution … 2021-04-19 Brussels, 18.2.2021 COM(2021) 66 final COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN EU needs a new trade policy strategy – one that will support achieving its domestic and external policy objectives and promote greater sustainability in line with its commitment of fully Sources: EU/EEA data Sources: Worldwide data Interpretation of the data. As of week 2021-14, 28 496 538 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA: France (5 058 680), Italy (3 769 814), Spain (3 370 256), Germany (3 011 513), Poland (2 586 647), Czechia (1 581 184), Netherlands (1 355 617), Romania (1 008 490), Belgium (928 152), Sweden (873 035 Major changes are coming to EU VAT in the middle of 2021.
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27 Oct 2020 Making Europe greener, fairer, and more sustainable is at the heart of the European Commission's new work programme. By Paul Davies
27 Mar 2020 During the 2021-2027 programming period, we will continue to support interregional cooperation among regions from all across Europe. Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia are to hold the presidency of the European Council in succession starting from July 1, 2020, through to December 31, 2021. British passport holders are no longer EU citizens which means that several factors need to be taken into account when planning a holiday to a European
17 Sep 2020 The Commission aims to allocate at least 25% of the budget to the climate policy during 2021-2027. Under Next Generation EU, the European
5 Nov 2020 The European Commission said the euro-area economy will grow 4.2% in 2021, less than previous anticipated. It sees a shallower recession
1 Dec 2020 On 27 November, the EU Council released its assessment of Europe's 2020 tax policy achievements and set out its plans for 2021. The EU
How can the EU reduce its transport and mobility emissions while connecting citizens, creating green jobs Online event on the European Mobility Atlas 2021.
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It is through this application that France will ensure it meets the EU criteria of being ready by 17 June 2021.
The total commitments in the 2021 budget are set at €164.2 billion and total payments at €166.1 billion.
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Brussels, 18.2.2021 COM(2021) 66 final COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN EU needs a new trade policy strategy – one that will support achieving its domestic and external policy objectives and promote greater sustainability in line with its commitment of fully 2019-03-13 2021-04-22 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/111 of 29th January 2021.
Region Skånes arbete med kommande EU-program 2021-2027
3 juli 2021. Plasttallrikar, plastsugrör, plastbestick, hämtboxar och omrörare i plast slutar säljas enligt EU:s Vinnaren för 2021 är Jönköping.
Som en del Europeiska unionen har satt en gräns på 95g koldioxid/km i genomsnitt för nya fordon 2021, men ett år före tidsfristen når inte tillverkarna NYHET15 januari 2021 Svenskt Näringsliv är positiv till EU:s återhämtningspaket, men understryker hur viktigt det är att pengarna används till åtgärder som Var uppmärksam på att fr o m den 1 januari 2021 kommer boende i Storbritannien (gäller inte Nordirland) vara berättigade att kunna handla på Tax free i ert 11 ÖKS-regionerna - EU-programmet INTERREG Öresund-Kattegat-. Skagerrak 2021-2027.